
Text Classification & Evaluation
Text Classification & Evaluation
Built a web application that shows the content of a given webpage, and shows the output of the text classifier prediction. Developed a web application for interactive evaluation of text classifier performance. User uploads text document (webpage, tweet, etc.), text is processed by classifier and result displayed to user with relevant keywords highlighted. User can agree/disagree with result, add/remove highlights, and save the classified text with annotations for future reference.
Recipe Realm
Recipe Realm
Recipe Realm is a recipe platform that allows users to look up various recipes of dishes, search and filter the recipes by ingredients, cuisines, and dietary preferences. Users can also view the reviews of the recipes written by other users and write their own reviews after trying out the recipe. The website aims to provide a one-stop destination for users to find recipes of their choice and also get an idea about how others found the recipe before trying it themselves. The website also allows users to save their favorite recipes for easy access later on. The website aims to be an interactive platform for food enthusiasts to share, discover and explore new recipes from around the world and give their feedback on the recipes.
Personal Server
Personal Server
Developed a personal web server using HTTP and TCP protocols for internetwork communication. Implemented a concurrent server capable of handling multiple clients simultaneously and serving files, streaming MP4 video, and providing token-based authentication API. Utilized persistent connections as per the HTTP/1.1 protocol and made the code Linux-specific. Familiarized with DNS, IP addresses, socket API calls, and essential debugging tools such as wget, curl, strace.
DNA Tree
DNA Tree
Implemented a DNA tree data structure for efficient storage and search of DNA sequences in a sequence database. The DNA tree is a 5-way branching tree with A, C, G, T, and $ as the five branches of the augmented DNA alphabet. ACGT is an acronym for the four types of bases found in aDNA molecule: adenine (A), cytosine (C), guanine (G), and thymine (T) The tree stores sequences in leaf nodes and uses internal nodes as placeholders for search direction. Leaf nodes can split or merge based on insert and remove operations. The tree structure permits the storage of prefixes and ensures efficient search by directing operations based on the first letter of the DNA sequence.
Arbitrary-Precision Arithmetic Package
Arbitrary-Precision Arithmetic Package
Implemented an infinite precision arithmetic package for non-negative integers using Reverse Polish Notation (RPN). The program reads expressions from an input file and performs arithmetic operations (addition, multiplication, exponentiation) on operands consisting of any length strings of digits. The program eliminates excess zeros and handles errors in expression syntax.
IOS Educational Geography App
IOS Educational Geography App
Built an educational geography app that immerses users in a variety of activities to improve geography knowledge. Brainstormed ideas and delegated technical responsibilities and tasks to team members during weekly meetings. Collaborated with a team of students using principles of agile development and source control (git/git flow). Gained further experience in Rest-API and parsing complex JSON data in Swift programming language and XCode
Covid Data Visualization
Covid Data Visualization
As a team, designed visual representation of Covid-19 CFR (case fatality ratio) data using Java/JavaFx Used API (open data sets) from CDC, and sorted and visually represented CFR data by race, gender, and locations etc.
Tower of Hanoi Solver
Tower of Hanoi Solver
Implemented Tower of Hanoi solver with GUI.
Customer Management System
Customer Management System
Implemented a Customer Management System using React, Node.js, express.js and AWS (Amazon RDS for MySQL)


Relevant Projects: Customer Management System, Text Classification & Evaluation

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Relevant Projects: Customer Management System, Text Classification & Evaluation

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Relevant Projects: Customer Management System, Text Classification & Evaluation

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Relevant Projects: Customer Management System, Text Classification & Evaluation

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Relevant Projects: Customer Management System, Text Classification & Evaluation

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Relevant Projects: Customer Management System, Text Classification & Evaluation

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Relevant Projects: Customer Management System, Text Classification & Evaluation

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Relevant Projects: Customer Management System, Text Classification & Evaluation

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Relevant Projects: Customer Management System, Text Classification & Evaluation

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Relevant Projects: Customer Management System, Text Classification & Evaluation

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Relevant Projects: Customer Management System, Text Classification & Evaluation

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Relevant Projects: Customer Management System, Text Classification & Evaluation

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Resume 703-774-6738